
Your Personal Estate Agent

Chances are you’ve either not sold before or it’s been a long time since you have.

Either way, it’s a complex process spanning months, you’ll often get lots of information from different places and it’s hard to know exactly where you’re at, at any one time.

The process typically involves lots of different people and is generally rated one of the most stressful times of our lives.

I’m here to change that for you.

Working with me is just that, working with me.

How would you feel about having one person, with one phone number, guiding you through the process from beginning to end?

Full accountability and always at the end of the phone offering feedback and advice, making you feel like the number one priority.

Working with me means you’re part of a select small group of clients, allowing me the time to ensure you get the utmost service and attention.

I’m not looking to ‘list’ dozens of properties per month, nor am I targeted with anything beyond my own desire of offering you a high-quality service, ensuring you get the result you want.

In short, I am your Personal Estate Agent.

How I’m Helping People Sell Their Homes

You likely fall into one of two camps. Either you’ve not yet put your property on the market, or you have/currently are on the market but you’re yet to secure a buyer.

I can help in both situations.

But there’s no escaping it, the sales market’s tough right now.

More than ever, you need an agent who’s going to be straight with you, who will have the tough conversations – but more than that, has a plan to get you what you need.

‘When you want to help people, you tell them the truth. When you want to help yourself, you tell them what they want to hear – Thomas Sowell

That’s why from the outset I offer straight talking, honest advice on the current market, what we’re up against and what it will take to get sold.

Let’s be real, we’ve all seen the headlines and it’s not easy out there in the world of property sales.

What doesn’t help is bluster and bravado – what’s needed is a practical, pragmatic approach.

Worth a chat?